So here I am at work. I’m monitor tech today so that means I pretty much just sit and watch a screen when it beeps, and on the hour write all my people’s heart rates and heart rhythms on a sheet of paper.  The most exciting part of my day was going outside to eat my lunch. It was a really nice day (from what I saw of it anyway) and I would have enjoyed spending more time out in it. Alas, woe is me.  Only 50 minutes left at work. 49. 48.  ; ) This could get tiresome.  I did find out today that I’ll be able to get GUI access, which was very exciting. GUI is something the hospital uses to print patient stickers and look up patients in the hospital. It’ll be really nice to have it because I hate having to tell everyone who asks me to print something, “Sorry, I don’t have GUI.” In a really dumb apologetic way, like I’m totally inconvieniencing them by not having been given something. 

I just read an excellent book called “Little Brother” by Cory Doctorow. It’s a book about a not-so-distant future where ordinary citizens are treated like terrorists. That’s a stupid description, but I don’t want to have to think about how to make it sound more interesting. I would. however,  highly recommend it to anyone over the age of 14. 

I feel kind of wierd right now; I’m not sure why.  There’s this class at our local college that I want to take, but I also need to go to scotland and visit my grandparents this fall so taking a class would be kind of difficult to do :P Ugh, I hate making these kinds of decisions.  At the same time, however, I would hate it more if someone else tried to make it for me. :)

Well the, ah, stuff is hitting the fan.

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One response to “

  1. Molto utile Andrea… lo sto utilizzando in versione multi da un cliente a Milano… (file server d’emergenza!) Click

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