Movies and noses

So I watched Batman begins the other day. It was wonderful. The acting, the story, the effects, the flying, everything was perfect. Heath Ledger was utterly fantastic as The Joker, and Aaron Eckhart had his best role/movie ever playing Harvey Dent.  I won’t ex posit Christian Bale’s attributes; we’d be here all day ; ) The story itself was darker than Batman Begins, but I thought the overall theme and tone of the first one was carried over to The Dark Knight very well. I felt like it was the perfect continuation of BB, not the horrible, purposeless mess some people seem to think it was. I’m glad it’s getting all the accolades I think it deserves. Chris and Jon Nolan are extremely talented and brilliant brothers. I very much hope they keep making movies together.  I heartily recommend it!

Another movie I saw recently is Once. It’s the story of a guy who works in his dad’s hoover shop and sings songs he wrote himself on the street by night. A girl meets him and asks him to fix her hoover and they form a friendship. The guy (played by Glen Hansard of the Irish group The Flames) plays the guitar very well and has a really good voice. The girl ( Markéta Irglová, a European singer/songwriter) plays the piano and sings with such a sweet voice. Anyway, they start to play some of Guy’s songs together and they record some of them at a studio. I won’t give away the rest of the story, but it was such a good movie. The music is wonderful all by itself, but when I saw the way it fits into the film it made even more sense and was that much better, Both Glen and Markéta were amazing and quite charming. Markéta was a really nice voice and her accent is… it just pulls you into what she’s saying, if you get what I mean. And Glen is such a sweet guy. I love seeing the friendship between the two of them grow throughout the movie. I heartily recommend it, too!

Something else I did this week was get hit in the nose by a child’s very hard head! I was playing Freeze Tag with a bunch of kid’s at my church’s VBS and a child’s head (very hard, by the way) hit the bridge of my nose. She instantly turned around and asked if I was OK, but I told her I was fine. When Amy, the grown up next to us asked me the same question a second later I said, “No, I don’t think so.” I hope the girl didn’t hear me say that! Anyway, it started bleeding and I sort of stumbled inside the building and some very nice ;ladies helped me sit down and put some ice on it. I called my mum a few minutes later and she came and took me to the doctor. I had a few x-rays done just to make sure I didn’t break anything, and it all came back negative. So that’s good. I also had some blood work done to check my iron levels, but they haven’t called back yet. Maybe they’ll just send me a letter later early next week. My nose hasn’t bruised or swelled as much as I think I deserve for all the trouble we went to, but I think I’ll call in sick to work tomorrow anyway!

I’m going to a Jars of Clay concert tonight with my little sister’s youth group and I’m kind of not looking forward to it. I think it’s because I’d rather stay in tonight, but also because my parents are coming back from a mini-vacation tonight and I like to be home when they get back from those. I’m sure it’ll be fun, though.


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2 responses to “Movies and noses

  1. Hope your nose is feeling better and glad it didn’t get broken!

  2. Thanks! It does feel a lot better. Although it didn’t look as bad as I wanted it to; I felt like it should have looked a lot worse for all the trouble we went to!

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