Random things

So I don’t have any specific subject in mind tonight, but I feel lik writing something, so I suppose it’ll come as I write it.

I saw on another blog this website called Wordle.net. It’s a website that you can put a bunch of text into and it’ll tell you what words are the most often used. My most used word was “really”. I mean, what a boring word, no? I’ve decided that I need to use that word far less.

Our dog just jumped up on my leg to indicate that she wanted held, but now that I’m holding her, she’s getting all bossy by sticking her wet nose into my arm and trying to get my elbow in the perfect spot for her face to lay on. It’s a little weird to feel her swallow; her throat is right on my forearm.  She a pretty cute dog, though. It’s not like she’s a horribly ugly critter or anything.

I was watching Planet Earth the other day, and what I saw amazed and repulsed me. There was a story about this cave that had many, many bats living in it. The bats pooped a massive amount of … whatever the word for bat poop is. Anyway, the poop made a mound 100 meters high! That part was kind of cool, but the repulsive part was that on the surface of the poop there lived thousands upon thousands of … cockroaches!! *shudder* It was so gross. I think I squealed :) Such a girl, tut, tut, tut.

Work was good today. I was on the surgical floor, which is probably my favourite. The patients there aren’t as systemically weakened, they’ve mostly just had colon/rectal surgeries, which isn’t actually as bad as one would think. There is a lot of cleaning up after people, but one does get used to it. At least, I did. 

I bought 3 swimsuits on Lands end.com today. They had free shipping so I just went all out. I’m planning on keeping the one that fits best and taking back the other two.  I also bought a very lightweight robe on Kohl’s.com for only 2.08 with shipping! I was so excited. I think it shipped to day. :) Maybe I’ll wear it over my swimsuit; there’s a thought…

Speaking of semi-colons, I always use them wrong. I don’t have a good enough grasp of the English language to get where the semicolon is supposed to be used. Now ‘whom’ I think I have covered. I couldn’t necessarily define it very well, but I’m pretty sure I could use it properly in a sentence. 

I take the bus to work. I sued to take the 6, but it would get me to work too late. I would get there on a good day 5 minutes before my shift starts, and I did not like that. The other problem with the 6 was that I was the first person on the bus (besides the driver, :) ) and the driver liked to talk to me. I, sometimes unfortunately, have a very bad fear of offending people or making them feel bad at all. Now I know that’s not a bad thing, but sometimes it does turn me into a doormat. I’ve getting better, though! Anyway, one day, after much gnashing of teeth at the annoyance of the driver, I decided to try an earlier bus, the 5, which transfers to an earlier 6, which gets me to work 15-20 minutes early. So I took this bus route once and I have never gone back :) It takes only 10 minutes to do what the original ride took 20-25 minutes. Ridiculous, I know. I realise that’s all a bit confusing, but it makes sense to me :)

OK, so I just wrote this paragraph about a girl I know who wants to get married very, very badly. I erased it because it wasn’t edifying to anyone. I’ll just say that I hope she finds someone who will appreciate her for who she is, and that she would appreciate him for who he is, and not try to change him.

That will start my next topic: people who think they can change someone they love. Now, I have been and am still quite often, guilty of this very thing. But the fact remains that people rarely if ever change unless they want to change.  It’s very sad that so many people get married with the object of changing their new spouse. I tend to think that women do that more than men, but that’s probably because, as a woman, I tend to think more like a woman :)

What kinds of things to I say and write that make people think differently/badly about me? Just thinking about these posts of mine; what kind of a person do people truly think I am? I don’t know.

This morning my alarm went off at 5:55am like it always does when I work at 7am. The only difference is that usually when I hear it my mind automatically realises that I go to work today. But today my mind took a minute or two. I heard the alarm and woke up from sleep, but I didn’t completely know where I was or what I was supposed to do. It was probably the closest I’ve ever been to potentially being late for work. :) I know, that was a funny sentence.

I am going to go see The Dark Knight on Sunday. I. Can’t. Wait! I absolutely adore Christian Bale. He is the most awesome Batman ever. And Batman is the very best superhero ever, so that makes Christian Bale better than Superman. I always knew it :)

There is this hi-larious clip of John Krasinski (Jim, from The Office) on Conan O’Brien.   http://www.givememyremote.com/remote/john-krasinski-on-conan/ The whole clip is good, I’m sure, but my favourite part is about 1.40 into the clip. The funniest thing. I love this guy too :)


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3 responses to “Random things

  1. I have a few friends that within the last year or so found the need to meet someone and jump into getting married seriously within months of meeting. They’ll argue w/ me that they “knew” them for a few years, but IMO you should date for a few years first, not just be able to attach a name and a face together. But anyways, the women have successfully changed them though…they are no longer really allowed to hang out w/ their old friends unless they turn it into a “couples” thing. Which in that case, count me out because as a single guy, that is soo awkward!

    And for what it’s worth, your posts don’t make me think badly of you at all!

    Take care!

  2. I would argue that the women actually didn’t change their husbands. I don’t know them, but it sounds more like the wives are just controlling their husbands’ doings. I would like to know whether the husbands would still enjoy hanging out with their old friends regardless of the wife’s wishes. I think to have true change occur, the person who will be changing needs to be the one who wants it. If someone I loved wanted me to change then that would be something for to consider carefully, but I don’t think I’d change unless I wanted it too. Do you understand what I’m trying to say? I’m not denying that someone can change, I’m saying that I don’t believe that one person can change another person without that 2nd person wanting it too.

  3. I’m not really sure if they still enjoy hanging out or not, in fact I can’t recall a time since then that they have not brought their wives out with them. But I guess if that is ‘happiness’ to them, then I’ll be happy for them that they’ve each found their meant-to-be’s.

    I totally understand what you are saying though and that does make sense :)

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